BBQ in King's Park
I think King's Park is the most popular scenic spot in Perth City, you can overlook the city and Swan River, and it's only 10 minutes from the city.
This was my first time to experience BBQ in King's Park, we found a BBQ place and roaster which near the bus stop, we enjoyed our food and had some beers, and talked about our plans in Australia, we shared our feelings about recent days, finally, we had a farewell to two of our friends who are leaving Perth to go to southern Australia for a farm job, however, I've just had a call from them to say that they can't get enough working due to bad weather in recent days, let's pray for them.
I envy Aussies who can stay in this marvelous country and environment, there are lots of valuable natural resources in Australia, I hope everyone can treasure that when they in Australia, to keep the beautiful environment forever.
Hi Jimmy,
抱歉打擾你喔,我是在背包客棧看到你的留言,想請問一下你是不是住在Jay Jay的share house呢? 有一些問題想請問你,可以嗎? 因為我也計畫要去澳洲旅遊,對JJ的英文課& share house的狀況想瞭解一下,那邊會不會很多台灣人呢? 上英文課一班大約有多少人呢?
Interesting ! Their city allowed to have the BBQ in the park. It must be a different experience. From your articles, I can feel you enjoy there very much and meet many good friends from different places. Enjoy it .......
Sister Amy
tim says hi~
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